Thursday, March 23, 2006

No, Prime Minister

Speak for yourself, Mr. Prime Minister

Mr. Clean Manmohan Singh,
Dear Sir,
Admittedly you owe your present designation to the lady who repeatedly insists on reminding the nation, rather dramatically, that she is in fact a saint. And a little bit of gratitude is definitely good manners, no it is even moral and ethical. Being the Mr. Nice you were bound to make a statement extolling the virtues of the Saint "tallest leader and has a rare commitment to moral values which you do not find in plenty in our country".
Considering your debt to her the reference to your patron saint Sonia Gandhi as "tallest leader" is understandable and one who has "a rare commitment to moral values..." is also tolerable. But what is NOT tolerable is your ingratitude to the citizens of your nation when you uttered "...moral values which you do not find in plenty in our country".

This Country , my motherland, (well you dont seem to think know much about India) has enough moral values and more than all of the Congress Party put together several times over. If your remark were in the context of the Congress Party make that clear or if your remarks were in the context of the political class make that clear.

Whichever context you have made the remark, it does not do India any proud and I am ashamed of your remark, Prime Minister.


அசுரன் said...

Then what will do India to be proud?
- A pat from USA president George Bush on being a fool in nuclear, military pact?

- or Suicides of Farmers are happening all along Your mother India?(My mother India is being raped by MNCs, While your mother India is just insulted by Mr Clean)

- Or when Vajpayee sell(shall I say brokerring(sex)) Ganga river to 'Sues Demodrent'?

- or when patents rights regime came in to India that rose the vital medicines rates?(Endorsed by Mrs saint(sonia) party and Implimented by Saint (BJP) party)

- or when India fooled in Enron(now dabol) project?(both BJP and Congress)

What is your problem
Do you have any eye sight problems?
Check with your doctors.

The real shame to India is that regardless of any electoral party - From BJP, Congrss to pseudo Communists- all are lapping over the feet of MNCs.

And killing Indian self economy - Rural, Small scale industries.

Pavan N Rao said...

You did highlight some of the issues, today. The point of this post was, however, different.
Btw .. are u inspired by Napolean ?

அசுரன் said...

Dear thoughtpaisa

I use Napolean name whenever I need to expose the ill nature of capitalism infront of people enjoying capitalism.

I really amazed at the cool reply you made despite my responce is aggressive.

My experience so for is people use to reply aggressively too(that I intend).

I am very much concerned about the present state of Indian Economy, our democratic system(continues betrayal of all electoral parties), etc.

I forgot to say....India needs a Napolean correct....?
Atleast for the shake of indian capitalists against MNCs

Pavan N Rao said...

Dear Napolean,
YOu may find one of my previous posts interesting..

How did you like the post ?