Monday, April 10, 2006

Ad India

However busy one might be, However, close the exams may be one cannot but stop and watch the bees , smell the roses and observe the ads.

Voltas, a Tata brand, has been reduced to play the India card to regain marketshare. What a pity ! SOmebody told me that the little girl actually says "India ka AC. Korea ki nahin" . Poor Voltas. LG, Samsung and Hyundai must have given them hot competition. (Psst : Business Standard says Voltas ahve actually staged a comeback)

E-serve comes up seemingly stupid ads. I learn that they are targeted at University students sitting for Final examinations. Message being that however you perform at the examinations we at eserve are only too willing to hire you. The return of the eCoolie ?.

Interesting , but I suppose that E-serve's ad budget for HR purposes must be greater than its budget for Marketing purposes

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