Monday, June 23, 2008

Why Manmohan is persisting with nuclear deal ?

Manmohan Singh is a good man.

The prime ministership was thrust upon him and he accepted it.

Manmohan Singh is an honest man. There have been cases of moral turpitude amongst his Cabinet colleagues but none dare raise a finger against him.

What is the use of a leader of intergrity if he cannot discipline his lieutenants ? Not much, except a stable government.

Manmohan has tolerated, withstood many a disgrace possibly because if he did resign the nation would be in a political turmoil.
HOwever, Mr. Singh does want to leave legacy, his footprints on the sands of Pokhran. He very badly wants to do the nuclear deal and if there is one cause he is willing to go the full length for, then this is it.

Inflation happens no matter what gymanstic he and his cohort perform, Manmohan singh will not be able to leave footprints on sands od time.

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