Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Anke Tappida Shankarlal: A review

Play: Anke Tappida Shankarlal ಅಂಕೆ ತಪ್ಪಿದ  ಶಂಕರ್ಲಾಲ್
Language: Kannada
Duration: ~100 minutes
Rating: Avoidable
Troup: Sanchaya

The title (mis)leads one to believe that the play might be light-hearted. This writer learnt, at his expense, that it was not meant to.

The plot is about the increasing goondaisation of public life in India. While, one cannot deny the message, the manner in which it was presented was rather unentertaining.
The huge cast of ATS, the unimpressively named characters (Mr. Mehta, Mr. Singh, Mr. Chowdhury) or the dialogues did little to hold the audience's attention. The plot rambled along for 100 minutes before ending as a Victory of Evil over Good. Comic relief was few and far between and when it was, it was unintended !

In our opinion the play is avoidable, unless you intended to catchup with a long-lost friend and ATS is an excuse :)!

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