Sunday, August 22, 2010

Chora Charana Dasa: ಚೋರ ಚರಣದಾಸ A review

Play: Chora Charana Dasa
Language: Kannada
Duration: ~105 minutes
Genre: Comedy (Farce)
Rating: Must Watch
Troup: Natana

We watched Chora Charana Dasa, a play in Kannada, originally as Charandas Chor written by Tanveer Habib as an adaptation of a Rajasthani folktale at K H Kala Soudha in Hanumanthanagar, Bangalore on Sunday. The Kannada play has been adapted and directed by Mandya Ramesh (of Matha fame) and performed by Natana.

The protagonist is a petty thief, Charanadasa.Charanadasa is a professional theif who takes pride in his profession and 'hard work' and a strong sense of 'integrity' and 'work ethic'.

He chances upon a Sanyasi who saves him from the police . Charanadasa takes him as his Guru. He makes four vows to his Guru, that he would never eat in a gold plate, never lead a procession atop an elephant (ಅನೆ ಅಂಬಾರಿ), refuse any invitation to be a king and refuse any proposal to marry a princess. His guru commits him to  never to tell a lie, hoping that this would reform Charandas.

Charanadasa's further activities and where it leads him form the rest of the narrative. An interesting storyline has been transformed into a laugh-riot by current satire. The nataka in the political theatre of Karnataka is ready fodder for the satire.

Brilliant performances by all on-stage artists especially the by the person who played Charanadasa and the off-stage technicians and singers make every moment of the drama wholly enjoyable.

Towards the end, the directors steps in and lets the audience choose how the play should conclude ! The  interactive dialogue between the audience and the director throws up creative alternatives and has the audience in splits.

The play concludes on a realistic paradox, faithfully to Tanveer Habib and the Bollywood movie directed by Shyam Benegal in 1975 of the same name. Overall, it was eminently watchable, and figures in the top amongst the plays that I have enjoyed the most and recommend to all.
P.S. the background singer was cute ;)


Anil Raj Hegde said...

Comment on the last punch...

"Good Observation"

Anil Raj Hegde said...

Comment on the last punch...

"Good Observation"

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